The Castillo Family....La familia Castillo

To our family and friends all over the world....A nuestra familia y amigos en todo el mundo.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Great True Friends

After a women's bible study at church I ran into a great friend today -- Deb Molder. I hadn't seen her in months as my life has really changed being a mom. It's sad that we lose contact sometimes with people in life, but it was so good to see her face and talk a little bit. Deb was instrumental in me going to El Salvador (helping me wake up to God's calling) and was a great encouragement for me while I was there. You know those people that God puts in your life just when you need it? She's one of them. She came down to El Salvador during my first few months of living there and was the encouragement that I needed, especially coming from a strong, single woman. She returned during my second year there and again, brought me encouragement. So, I just wanted to thank her today. I have been needing to have a few "adult" conversations (rather than babbling) and she really perked up my day.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Our Little Talker

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Conversations with Elisa

Well our little girl has become a big talker and this time I have caught it on tape. It's adorable if I must say so. Still no little steps as we get closer to her first birthday, but she loves to cruise around anything. Finally, almost after a year she is able to get to sleep by herself. Yes, some hindrance from her parents didn't help as we rocked, patted, etc. Finally, I can say after about a week she has gotten the routine and I can leave her in her crib and she is asleep in no time at all. Wow. It's been an eventful year and one that I can't believe has passed by so quickly.

Grandpa Israel has his plane tickets and flies in a few days before her party. I better start practicing my spanish! No really, Wil and I speak it a lot, but mine is mostly a mixture of both languages...there are some things that are easier to say in English and some that are much easier to say in spanish. :)

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker