The Castillo Family....La familia Castillo

To our family and friends all over the world....A nuestra familia y amigos en todo el mundo.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Just makes me smile

Elisa just makes me smile. I have been working 4 day weeks all through the summer, so Fridays are our days off. Even though my little one still wakes up at 6 am, this morning she walked to my side of the bed and snuggled her face up to mine and said, "hi, mama!" What a cute way to wake up. I know I say this a lot, but 2 has become a new favorite age of mine. She is now engaging in might be about the fireworks she is still talking about from a month ago, but she still gets so excited about them. Or it may be the new grown independence and helpful stage she has found in herself. She loves to put away my shoes and take 10 minutes to put on her own. :)

I am so sad that the summer is almost gone. Wil is planning another trip abroad..October and Italy. Wish I could go, but he is usually all work and no time for fun on those trips. We'll see. It makes me wish Elisa was older and could enjoy the trip with me, but then I think about it and start missing my little baby who is growing up too fast.


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