The Castillo Family....La familia Castillo

To our family and friends all over the world....A nuestra familia y amigos en todo el mundo.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

A lazy Thanksgiving

Well, this holiday has been like no other. Wil has been in Spain for almost a week for his he missed out on the turkey. Well, he doesn't even like turkey, but I couldn't ask him to miss out on a free trip to Spain even if part of it was for work. But he is at least going to treat himself to a soccer game and a trip to a few museums, I hope.

Elisa and I have spent Thanksgiving in Kearney, which is a very quiet, lazy town. I know we both have enjoyed being with my mom every day and me sleeping with Elisa, well, let's just say, I can't wait to have my hubby back that doesn't kick and snore as much as she does! :)

This Turkey day my family didn't even cook -- on either side. We decided to order
Hy-vee's special packaged meal. I must say it wasn't what we expected, but the turkey was good! Even my dad and step mom didn't cook -- just pumpkin pie for desert. I must say even though it was the lazy way out, it was great spending more time with family than washing dishes and stressing about the food being done. Maybe next year we can see what restaurants will be open...humm...not sure if my family will go for that one.

Can't wait til my honey is home and life is back to normal again.


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