Come home, Papi
Well, we are counting down the days. Only 2 more and Wil will be back home from Germany. I have missed him terribly. I talked to him tonight and he sounds exhausted. That's a lot of traveling just to go and work a few days and adjusting to the time change, etc. He says he has had little problems with his German (the one language he puts as last on his list), so I am sure he feels great about that. He said he's going to study more for the next time we go together. The thing is, I know he will actually study. (It will be so nice to have a translator!).
Barking like a dog
Elisa continues to amaze me. She is mimicking more now than ever. Her favorite activities are babbling da, da and now grunting. She was "standing" in front of our kitchen mirror (almost down to the floor so it's just her height) and our neighbors' dogs were barking (her new favorite animal) and she started laughing and grunting back. I think it was her imitation of a bark....blame it on her mom....I think I may have taught her that as to get the dogs' attention, I will often bark and then the dogs look at the window and get all excited...then the laughter and excitement begins for Elisa.
A new way to crawl
She also experienced crawling in the grass and concrete this week. We went outside to play with the beautiful weather and she wanted to explore everywhere mom didn't have a blanket. It was quite funny watching her try to crawl with her knees up so they didn't get all scuffed up. What a girl!