I just sleep, eat and eat and eat and eat...

I think this picture really demonstrates what Elisa's life is like....all except, well , she's not eating in this picture. I love this picture because she looks so content. She's a great baby and in fact we had our 2 week appointment today and she has gained one pound! The doctor was surprised, but not mom. She eats consistantly every 2 hours and takes her sweet time, too. Mom is exhausted at times, but it's all worth it.
Our days our filled with changing diapers, having visitors, eating, diapers, sleeping, eating, and mom trying to get some things done in the meantime.
My mom's fiance was in town these past few weeks and was a huge help hanging pictures and decorating her room and he even bought Elisa her crib mattress...so she is sleeping in her own room as mom and dad try to get some shut eye.
Elisa,que linda que estas!!! Desde El Salvador estamos siguiendo muy atentos tu crecimiento. Y vemos que gracias a Dios todo va muy bien. Te queremos muchísimo linda sobrinita. Tu foto está en el protector de pantalla de nuestra computadora...asi que te vemos a diario...Que Dios y la Virgen te cuiden y protejan muchísimo. Un abrazo a tus papás.
Tío Ramón y Tía Wendy
Dear Amy,
She looks just like daddy!!!!
I enjoyed looking at her pictures, she's so cute, and her smile so beautiful!!! I specially enjoyed the picture with the soccer ball!!! that's the salvadorean blood running in her body!!!!!!
Enjoy every minute with her,
Love ya!!!!
From the pupusa land!
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