The Castillo Family....La familia Castillo

To our family and friends all over the world....A nuestra familia y amigos en todo el mundo.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Still going steady....

Well, the past few weeks have just zoomed by. I finished teaching ESL at Kearney at the end of May for the school year. While it was a great experience as far as being challenged as a teacher, I was pretty anxious the last month or so for the year to end. I think I have been more excited about just getting one more step closer to little Bambina's arrival.

Since finishing the year in Kearney, I have been working full time at the Ford Child Development Center with babies! It's the same place I have been subbing at since coming back from El Salvador and I really enjoy it. It also gives me my baby "fill" each day.

As for my doctor's appointments, they have been going great. Still measuring and weighing right and Bambina's still kicking away. Wil's work threw us a shower this past week and it was so nice. I can't believe how supportive his co-workers have been without having known us for very long. There is a really great and unique group of people that work in his office, I guess maybe we both enjoy it because there are a lot of foreigners!

This past weekend we picked out the baby's crib (graciously bought my Wil's mom, the Salvadoran Grandma!) and Wil did his daddy duty by assembling it. Her room is finally starting to look like a baby's room.

The weather is starting to make me really miss Salvadoran weather, my church family and my Salvadoran family that I lived with. Wil and I haven't even turned on our air yet. I guess I am so used to hearing outside noise, keeping the windows open and breathing fresh air. Now if I only heard the sound of the lady on the street selling tortillas and the bread man honking his bicycle horn, I think my "homesickness" would go away.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amy Estoy tan feliz por ustedes, Que bien que tendràn una linda bebè, son mis deseos que nazca bien sana, los quiero mucho, y sobre todo te extraño como no tienes idea, Que Dios los siga bendiciendo en su vida, y recuerden que Herencia de Jehová son los hijos, Muchas felicidades, y que todo salga bien!!!,
les deseamos desde El Salvador, su país, su familia espiritual que los ama mucho, Ana Marìa Olmedo, Michelle, Rodrigo y Lissette De Parias

4:09 PM  

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