
I went to work on Friday and wasn't feeling too hot, but just contributed it to a long work week, then I walked in my house and my water broke! I was shocked! Wil made it home shortly thereafter and off we went to the hospital. Labor was about 8 1/2 hours long, which they say is pretty good for a first child. Overall, it went really well.
She is definitely Daddy's little girl. She has dark brown, almost black hair and lots of it. She is also considered pre-term or not quite a preemie, so she is pretty small. Newborn outfits are pretty big on her. :) So, we need to fatten her up.
The picture of Elisa...is that her foot she is hugging to her cheek? I wish I could do that. This is so much fun to visit friend and family blogs like this and get to share so much when we are so far away. It still isn't as good as the real thing. She is beautiful and precious to us. Thank you for all your hard work to get her here. We love and cherish you all! Joy in Saint Louis.
Congratulations "Miss Amy"!!!!! And don't worry, as you said, she is daddy's little girl! 48 cm and 6 and a half pounds is JUST NORMAL for a salvadorean new born baby girl!!!! SHE IS JUST PERFECT!!!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS AND MAY THE LORD BLESS THE THREE OF YOU!!!!! With much love from the land of pupusas!!!
Congrats! What a beautiful little girl. She does look just like Daddy. Enjoy her!
Cari in Alaska
Felicidades!!!! por la llegada de Elisa Daniela. Es una bebé muy linda y muy saludable.
Que regalo más lindo les ha regalado el Señor, de tener una princesa tan hermosa.
Ya la queremos conocer personalmente a la linda sobrinita.
Tío Ramón y Tía Wendy
I love my new baby granddaughter!!
~Grandma Cindi
Congratulations. Elisa is a gorgeous baby. No wonder, her Mom is a beautiful "gringita" and her daddy a very handsome latino (Salvadoran).
Saludos from Josseline and Mari. We miss you, please come and visit us when Elisa is a little bit older. Ana Cristina
Ayyyy Que linda!!! Tu bebita es preciosa Amy, me alegra mucho que ya haya ganado mucho peso y que coma mucho, aunque mami tenga que hacer un pequeño sacrificio en darle de mamar,como tu dices, todo vale la pena, aquí en El Salvador todos estamos muy felices por ustedes, y Amy, ahora un pedacito de El Salvador formará parte de tu vida para siempre: nuestra querida Elisa Daniela, los queremos mucho y nuevamente felicidades por esa muñequita linda que Dios les ha dado!!! Muchos besos y abrazos, tus amigos y hermanos en Cristo,
Michelle, Rodrigo, Ana Marìa y Lissette De Parias
A great family story. Love the pictures. You all seem to be enjoying each other. Love, Uncle Danny
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