Life passing us by...

I feel like December is passing by so quickly. The picture above is from Sunday night when we were at Wil's work Christmas party and Elisa spent the evening with Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Tammy and the girls. (Grandma came by for a surprise visit!)
Life's just been wonderful. I have no specific events to write about (guess that's why I haven't posted much lately). Elisa and I have been spending more time indoors due to the cold weather (which I am not a fan of at all).
Her latest developments are: trying to sit up on her own, reaching for toys, giggling, giggling, giggling and rolling over. In fact, our little baby almost slept through the night last night except that she accidentally rolled over and opps...woke up so surprised like "what just happened?" She has been learning to grab toys, hair, etc., so I am sure in no time at all she is going to be moving all around.
This past week we went to Pleasant Valley Baptist's Christmas tree pageant where Grandma Cindi was up in the tree this year. Elisa absolutely loved the lights and made not a peep during the entire performance. I think she is definitely going to be musically talented as she loves music.
Language Teaching
Wil's still teaching Spanish at church and we've been asked by a dear family friend to teach English and Spanish at a business here in KC, that was one of the things we enjoyed doing as a couple in El Salvador. Wil taught at several businesses, but we both had the chance to teach English next door to each other at a telecommunications business. So, this opportunity that will hopefully begin next year will be a great start for us. I have really missed teaching Hispanics since I left El Salvador!
Hola Amy, que linda está Elisa!!!, ha cambiado desde la última vez que vi su foto de un mes, cada dìa que pasa se ve mas preciosa, me alegro que Dios te haya dado tan hermoso tesoro, te escribo para desearte una feliz navidad y año nuevo!!! Muchas bendiciones para todos!!!
te queremos mucho, tu familia espiritual en El Salvador: Michelle, Ana Marìa, Rodrigo y Lissette
Hola Will y Amy, que linda está Elisa Daniela, está posando en la foto al igual que sus demás primas...que bella está, se nota que ha crecido más y tiene más pelo. Está bella la sobrina!!!!
Me imagino que bede estar haciendo muchísimo frío....ojalá que no le vaya a afectar a Elisa, pues es su primer invierno...y su cuerpo se deberá adaptar al cambio. Les mando un fuerte abrazo desde El Salvador.
Con amor, Wendy
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